What Can We Learn about Engineering and Innovation from Half a Century of the Game of Life Cellular Automaton?

What Can We Learn about Engineering and Innovation from Half a Century of the Game of Life Cellular Automaton?

Metaengineering and Laws of Innovation

Things are invented. Things are discovered. And somehow there’s an arc of progress that’s formed. But are there what amount to “laws of innovation” that govern that arc of progress?

There are some exponential and other laws that purport to at least measure overall quantitative aspects of progress (number of transistors on a chip; number of papers published in a year; etc.). But what about all the disparate innovations that make up the arc of progress? Do we have a systematic way to study those?

We can look at the plans for different kinds of bicycles or rockets or microprocessors. And over the course of years we’ll see the results of successive innovations. But most of the time those innovations won’t stay within one particular domain—say shapes of bicycle frames. Rather they’ll keep on pulling in innovations from other domains—say, new materials or new manufacturing techniques. But if we want to get closer to the study of the pure phenomenon of innovation we need a case where—preferably over a long period of time—everything that happens can be described in a uniform way within a single narrowly defined framework. Continue reading

Towards a Computational Formalization for Foundations of Medicine

Towards a Computational Formalization for Foundations of Medicine

A Theory of Medicine?

As it’s practiced today, medicine is almost always about particulars: “this has gone wrong; this is how to fix it”. But might it also be possible to talk about medicine in a more general, more abstract way—and perhaps to create a framework in which one can study its essential features without engaging with all of its details?

My goal here is to take the first steps towards such a framework. And in a sense my central result is that there are many broad phenomena in medicine that seem at their core to be fundamentally computational—and to be captured by remarkably simple computational models that are readily amenable to study by computer experiment.

I should make it clear at the outset that I’m not trying to set up a specific model for any particular aspect or component of biological systems. Rather, my goal is to “zoom out” and create what one can think of as a “metamodel” for studying and formalizing the abstract foundations of medicine. Continue reading

Launching Version 14.2 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica: Big Data Meets Computation & AI

The Drumbeat of Releases Continues…

Just under six months ago (176 days ago, to be precise) we released Version 14.1. Today I’m pleased to announce that we’re releasing Version 14.2, delivering the latest from our R&D pipeline.

This is an exciting time for our technology, both in terms of what we’re now able to implement, and in terms of how our technology is now being used in the world at large. A notable feature of these times is the increasing use of Wolfram Language not only by humans, but also by AIs. And it’s very nice to see that all the effort we’ve put into consistent language design, implementation and documentation over the years is now paying dividends in making Wolfram Language uniquely valuable as a tool for AIs—complementing their own intrinsic capabilities. Continue reading

Who Can Understand the Proof? A Window on Formalized Mathematics

Related writings:
“Logic, Explainability and the Future of Understanding” (2018) »
“The Physicalization of Metamathematics and Its Implications for the Foundations of Mathematics” (2022) »
“Computational Knowledge and the Future of Pure Mathematics” (2014) »

The Simplest Axiom for Logic

Theorem (Wolfram with Mathematica, 2000):
The single axiom ((ab)•c)•(a•((ac)•a))c is a complete axiom system for Boolean algebra (and is the simplest possible)

For more than a century people had wondered how simple the axioms of logic (Boolean algebra) could be. On January 29, 2000, I found the answer—and made the surprising discovery that they could be about twice as simple as anyone knew. (I also showed that what I found was the simplest possible.)

It was an interesting result—that gave new intuition about just how simple the foundations of things can be, and for example helped inspire my efforts to find a simple underlying theory of physics.

But how did I get the result? Well, I used automated theorem proving (specifically, what’s now FindEquationalProof in Wolfram Language). Automated theorem proving is something that’s been around since at least the 1950s, and its core methods haven’t changed in a long time. But in the rare cases it’s been used in mathematics it’s typically been to confirm things that were already believed to be true. And in fact, to my knowledge, my Boolean algebra axiom is actually the only truly unexpected result that’s ever been found for the first time using automated theorem proving. Continue reading

Useful to the Point of Being Revolutionary: Introducing Wolfram Notebook Assistant

Useful to the Point of Being Revolutionary: Introducing Wolfram Notebook Assistant

Note: As of today, copies of Wolfram Version 14.1 are being auto-updated to allow subscription access to the capabilities described here. [For additional installation information see here.]

Just Say What You Want! Turning Words into Computation

Nearly a year and a half ago—just a few months after ChatGPT burst on the scene—we introduced the first version of our Chat Notebook technology to integrate LLM-based chat into Wolfram Notebooks. For the past year and a half we’ve been building on those foundations. And today I’m excited to be able to announce that we’re releasing the fruits of those efforts: the first version of our Wolfram Notebook Assistant.

There are all sorts of gimmicky AI assistants out there. But Notebook Assistant isn’t one of them. It’s a serious, deep piece of new technology, and what’s more important, it’s really, really useful! In fact, I think it’s so useful as to be revolutionary. Personally, I thought I was a pretty efficient user of Wolfram Language—but Notebook Assistant has immediately made me not only significantly more efficient, but also more ambitious in what I try to do. I hadn’t imagined just how useful Notebook Assistant was going to be. But seeing it now I can say for sure that it’s going to raise the bar for what everyone can do. And perhaps most important of all, it’s going to open up computational language and computational thinking to a vast range of new people, who in the past assumed that those things just weren’t accessible to them.

Leveraging the decades of work we’ve done on the design and implementation of the Wolfram Language (and Wolfram|Alpha), Notebook Assistant lets people just say in their own words what they want to do; then it does its best to crispen it up and give a computational implementation. Sometimes it goes all the way and just delivers the answer. But even when there’s no immediate “answer” it does remarkably well at building up structures where things can be represented computationally and tackled concretely. People really don’t need to know anything about computational language—or computational thinking to get started; Notebook Assistant will take their ideas, rough as they may be, and frame them in computational language terms. Continue reading

Foundations of Biological Evolution: More Results & More Surprises

Foundations of Biological Evolution: More Results & More Surprises

This is a follow-on to Why Does Biological Evolution Work? A Minimal Model for Biological Evolution and Other Adaptive Processes [May 3, 2024].

Even More from an Extremely Simple Model

A few months ago I introduced an extremely simple “adaptive cellular automaton” model that seems to do remarkably well at capturing the essence of what’s happening in biological evolution. But over the past few months I’ve come to realize that the model is actually even richer and deeper than I’d imagined. And here I’m going to describe some of what I’ve now figured out about the model—and about the often-surprising things it implies for the foundations of biological evolution.

The starting point for the model is to view biological systems in abstract computational terms. We think of an organism as having a genotype that’s represented by a program, that’s then run to produce its phenotype. So, for example, the cellular automaton rules on the left correspond to a genotype which are then run to produce the phenotype on the right (starting from a “seed” of a single red cell):

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On the Nature of Time

The Computational View of Time

Time is a central feature of human experience. But what actually is it? In traditional scientific accounts it’s often represented as some kind of coordinate much like space (though a coordinate that for some reason is always systematically increasing for us). But while this may be a useful mathematical description, it’s not telling us anything about what time in a sense “intrinsically is”.

We get closer as soon as we start thinking in computational terms. Because then it’s natural for us to think of successive states of the world as being computed one from the last by the progressive application of some computational rule. And this suggests that we can identify the progress of time with the “progressive doing of computation by the universe”.

But does this just mean that we are replacing a “time coordinate” with a “computational step count”? No. Because of the phenomenon of computational irreducibility. With the traditional mathematical idea of a time coordinate one typically imagines that this coordinate can be “set to any value”, and that then one can immediately calculate the state of the system at that time. But computational irreducibility implies that it’s not that easy. Because it says that there’s often essentially no better way to find what a system will do than by explicitly tracing through each step in its evolution. Continue reading

Nestedly Recursive Functions

Nestedly Recursive Functions

Yet Another Ruliological Surprise

Integers. Addition. Subtraction. Maybe multiplication. Surely that’s not enough to be able to generate any serious complexity. In the early 1980s I had made the very surprising discovery that very simple programs based on cellular automata could generate great complexity. But how widespread was this phenomenon?

At the beginning of the 1990s I had set about exploring this. Over and over I would consider some type of system and be sure it was too simple to “do anything interesting”. And over and over again I would be wrong. And so it was that on the night of August 13, 1993, I thought I should check what could happen with integer functions defined using just addition and subtraction. Continue reading

Five Most Productive Years: What Happened and What’s Next

Five Most Productive Years: What Happened and What's Next

So… What Happened?

Today is my birthday—for the 65th time. Five years ago, on my 60th birthday, I did a livestream where I talked about some of my plans. So… what happened? Well, what happened was great. And in fact I’ve just had the most productive five years of my life. Nine books. 3939 pages of writings (1,283,267 words). 499 hours of podcasts and 1369 hours of livestreams. 14 software product releases (with our great team). Oh, and a bunch of big—and beautiful—ideas and results.

It’s been wonderful. And unexpected. I’ve spent my life alternating between technology and basic science, progressively building a taller and taller tower of practical capabilities and intellectual concepts (and sharing what I’ve done with the world). Five years ago everything was going well, and making steady progress. But then there were the questions I never got to. Over the years I’d come up with a certain number of big questions. And some of them, within a few years, I’d answered. But others I never managed to get around to.

And five years ago, as I explained in my birthday livestream, I began to think “it’s now or never”. I had no idea how hard the questions were. Yes, I’d spent a lifetime building up tools and knowledge. But would they be enough? Or were the questions just not for our time, but only perhaps for some future century? Continue reading

What’s Really Going On in Machine Learning? Some Minimal Models

What's Really Going On in Machine Learning? Some Minimal Models

The Mystery of Machine Learning

It’s surprising how little is known about the foundations of machine learning. Yes, from an engineering point of view, an immense amount has been figured out about how to build neural nets that do all kinds of impressive and sometimes almost magical things. But at a fundamental level we still don’t really know why neural nets “work”—and we don’t have any kind of “scientific big picture” of what’s going on inside them.

The basic structure of neural networks can be pretty simple. But by the time they’re trained up with all their weights, etc. it’s been hard to tell what’s going on—or even to get any good visualization of it. And indeed it’s far from clear even what aspects of the whole setup are actually essential, and what are just “details” that have perhaps been “grandfathered” all the way from when computational neural nets were first invented in the 1940s.

Well, what I’m going to try to do here is to get “underneath” this—and to “strip things down” as much as possible. I’m going to explore some very minimal models—that, among other things, are more directly amenable to visualization. At the outset, I wasn’t at all sure that these minimal models would be able to reproduce any of the kinds of things we see in machine learning. But, rather surprisingly, it seems they can. Continue reading