Posts from 2025

Launching Version 14.2 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica: Big Data Meets Computation & AI

The Drumbeat of Releases Continues…

Just under six months ago (176 days ago, to be precise) we released Version 14.1. Today I’m pleased to announce that we’re releasing Version 14.2, delivering the latest from our R&D pipeline.

This is an exciting time for our technology, both in terms of what we’re now able to implement, and in terms of how our technology is now being used in the world at large. A notable feature of these times is the increasing use of Wolfram Language not only by humans, but also by AIs. And it’s very nice to see that all the effort we’ve put into consistent language design, implementation and documentation over the years is now paying dividends in making Wolfram Language uniquely valuable as a tool for AIs—complementing their own intrinsic capabilities. Continue reading

Yet More New Ideas and New Functions: Launching Version 14.1 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica

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For the 36th Time… the Latest from Our R&D Pipeline

Today we celebrate the arrival of the 36th (x.x) version of the Wolfram Language and Mathematica: Version 14.1. We’ve been doing this since 1986: continually inventing new ideas and implementing them in our larger and larger tower of technology. And it’s always very satisfying to be able to deliver our latest achievements to the world.

We released Version 14.0 just half a year ago. And—following our modern version scheduling—we’re now releasing Version 14.1. For most technology companies a .1 release would contain only minor tweaks. But for us it’s a snapshot of what our whole R&D pipeline has delivered—and it’s full of significant new features and new enhancements.

If you’ve been following our livestreams, you may have already seen many of these features and enhancements being discussed as part of our open software design process. And we’re grateful as always to members of the Wolfram Language community who’ve made suggestions—and requests. And in fact Version 14.1 contains a particularly large number of long-requested features, some of which involved development that has taken many years and required many intermediate achievements. Continue reading

The Story Continues: Announcing Version 14 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica

Version 14.0 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica is available immediately both on the desktop and in the cloud. See also more detailed information on Version 13.1, Version 13.2 and Version 13.3.

Building Something Greater and Greater… for 35 Years and Counting

Today we celebrate a new waypoint on our journey of nearly four decades with the release of Version 14.0 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica. Over the two years since we released Version 13.0 we’ve been steadily delivering the fruits of our research and development in .1 releases every six months. Today we’re aggregating these—and more—into Version 14.0.

It’s been more than 35 years now since we released Version 1.0. And all those years we’ve been continuing to build a taller and taller tower of capabilities, progressively expanding the scope of our vision and the breadth of our computational coverage of the world:

Number of built-in fuctions Continue reading

LLM Tech and a Lot More: Version 13.3 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica

LLM Tech and a Lot More: Version 13.3 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica

The Leading Edge of 2023 Technology … and Beyond

Today we’re launching Version 13.3 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica—both available immediately on desktop and cloud. It’s only been 196 days since we released Version 13.2, but there’s a lot that’s new, not least a whole subsystem around LLMs.

Last Friday (June 23) we celebrated 35 years since Version 1.0 of Mathematica (and what’s now Wolfram Language). And to me it’s incredible how far we’ve come in these 35 years—yet how consistent we’ve been in our mission and goals, and how well we’ve been able to just keep building on the foundations we created all those years ago. Continue reading

The Latest from Our R&D Pipeline: Version 13.2 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica

Exploring Wolfram Language 13.2 with Stephen Wolfram

The Latest from Our R&D Pipeline: Version 13.2 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica

Delivering from Our R&D Pipeline

In 2020 it was Versions 12.1 and 12.2; in 2021 Versions 12.3 and 13.0. In late June this year it was Version 13.1. And now we’re releasing Version 13.2. We continue to have a huge pipeline of R&D, some short term, some medium term, some long term (like decade-plus). Our goal is to deliver timely snapshots of where we’re at—so people can start using what we’ve built as quickly as possible. Continue reading

Launching Version 13.1 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica 🙀🤠🥳

Exploring Wolfram Language 13.1 with Stephen Wolfram

The Epic Continues…

Last week it was 34 years since the original launch of Mathematica and what’s now the Wolfram Language. And through all those years we’ve energetically continued building further and further, adding ever more capabilities, and steadily extending the domain of the computational paradigm.

In recent years we’ve established something of a rhythm, delivering the fruits of our development efforts roughly twice a year. We released Version 13.0 on December 13, 2021. And now, roughly six months later, we’re releasing Version 13.1. As usual, even though it’s a “.1” release, it’s got a lot of new (and updated) functionality, some of which we’ve worked on for many years but finally now brought to fruition. Continue reading

Launching Version 13.0 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica

The March of Innovation Continues

Just a few weeks ago it was 1/3 of a century since Mathematica 1.0 was released. Today I’m excited to announce the latest results of our long-running R&D pipeline: Version 13 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica. (Yes, the 1, 3 theme—complete with the fact that it’s the 13th of the month today—is amusing, if coincidental.)

It’s 207 days—or a little over 6 months—since we released Version 12.3. And I’m pleased to say that in that short time an impressive amount of R&D has come to fruition: not only a total of 117 completely new functions, but also many hundreds of updated and upgraded functions, several thousand bug fixes and small enhancements, and a host of new ideas to make the system ever easier and smoother to use.

Every day, every week, every month for the past third of a century we’ve been pushing hard to add more to the vast integrated framework that is Mathematica and the Wolfram Language. And now we can see the results of all those individual ideas and projects and pieces of work: a steady drumbeat of innovation sustained now over the course of more than a third of a century:


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Launching Version 12.3 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica

Livecoding & Q&A With Stephen Wolfram

Look What We Made in Five Months!

It’s hard to believe we’ve been doing this for 35 years, building a taller and taller tower of ideas and technology that allow us to reach ever further. In earlier times we used to release the results of efforts only every few years. But in recent times we’ve started doing incremental (“.1”) releases that deliver our latest R&D achievements—both fully fleshed out, and partly as “coming attractions”—much more frequently.

We released Version 12.2 on December 16, 2020. And today, just five months later, we’re releasing Version 12.3. There are some breakthroughs and major new directions in 12.3. But much of what’s in 12.3 is just about making Wolfram Language and Mathematica better, smoother and more convenient to use. Things are faster. More “But what about ___?” cases are handled. Big frameworks are more completely filled out. And there are lots of new conveniences.

There are also the first pieces of what will become large-scale structures in the future. Early functions—already highly useful in their own right—that will in future releases be pieces of major systemwide frameworks. Continue reading

Launching Version 12.2 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica: 228 New Functions and Much More…

Yet Bigger than Ever Before

When we released Version 12.1 in March of this year, I was pleased to be able to say that with its 182 new functions it was the biggest .1 release we’d ever had. But just nine months later, we’ve got an even bigger .1 release! Version 12.2, launching today, has 228 completely new functions!

Launching Version 12.2 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica: 228 New Functions and Much More...
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It’s Another Impressive Release! Launching Version 11.2 Today

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Our Latest R&D Output

I’m excited today to announce the latest output from our R&D pipeline: Version 11.2 of the Wolfram Language and Mathematica—available immediately on desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux) and cloud.

It was only this spring that we released Version 11.1. But after the summer we’re now ready for another impressive release—with all kinds of additions and enhancements, including 100+ entirely new functions:

New functions word cloud Continue reading